1TbspShaoxing cooking wineor mirin, or substitute 1 Tbsp water + ½ tsp sugar 绍兴料酒,1汤勺
2tspcorn starch淀粉,2茶勺
1Tbspdistilled white vinegar白醋,1汤勺
saltto taste, approx ¼ tsp kosher salt 食用盐,少许
2Tbspneutral cooking oilsafe for high heat, like avocado 菜油,25克
Add ~0.75 inch of water and a steamer insert into the large pot, and bring it to a boil锅里加入少量清水,煮开,加入蒸格
Cut eggplant into 1" chunks using a rolling cut 滚刀 (gǔn dāo)茄子滚到切块,约一寸大
Toss eggplant with distilled white vinegar and corn starch until evenly coated. Transfer to heat-safe bowl. Steam eggplant in the large pot for 10 minutes.茄子放入耐热的碗里,撒上淀粉和白醋,蒸10分钟
(while eggplant is steaming) Mince garlic and ginger, and slice hot peppers. Chop scallions and cilantro/shiso蒸茄子时准备辅料:姜,蒜,辣椒,葱,香菜切碎备用
Heat your stir fry pan to medium heat. Add oil, garlic, ginger, and peppers. Stir fry until golden and fragrant, about 30 seconds锅烧热至5成热,加入由烧热。将姜,蒜,辣椒,爆香
Increase the heat to medium-high. Add steamed eggplant and stir fry, tossing continuously until the eggplant is golden and no longer sticks to the pan (about 2 minutes)转中大火,油温烧至7成热,加入茄子不停翻炒以免粘锅。茄子烧至金黄,约2分钟
Add soy sauce, sugar, cooking wine, and salt. Continue tossing and stirring until the sauce is reduced down and the eggplant is soft and melty. If the pan is too dry before the eggplant is done, add a splash of mirin or water and keep reducing.加入生抽酱油,糖,料酒,和盐,继续翻炒至茄子烧软。如果汤汁全部蒸发,可以加入适量清水继续收汁
Add black vinegar from the sides of the pan, stir to coat.香醋从锅边淋入,翻炒几下
Turn off the heat. Add cilantro and scallions, stir to combine and let the heat of the pan wilt the herbs.最后加入葱花香菜,翻炒均匀后即可出锅装盘
This recipe is vegan as written. It can easily be converted to gluten-free by replacing the soy sauce with gluten-free soy sauce or tamari. The dish is sometimes made with a small amount of meat, simply brown some ground pork before adding the aromatics in Step 5.